Monday, July 12, 2010

Making Your Home Sing Monday!

Making your home sing Mondays
I have found my intelligence again!
hold your applause
I have figured out how to link a document into my blog!
you may bask in my brilliance now

Okay, to tell the truth, I actually feel kinda silly. I completely forgot that Google has that whole "Google Doc" thing. If you would like to learn more about that, go here.

So, without any further ado . . . 
Here's this weeks meal plan!

Now, on to the "Making Your Home Sing" part of today's post.

I am learning that one sure-fire way to make my home a happier place to be, is by 
- wait for it - 

Now, I know that in some instances, that is a lot harder than it sounds. In my situation, for example, if I want that precious time, I have to get up at around 5:30. I get up, "dress to shoes", then sit down and have my morning coffee. I read my bible, have my devotion and prayer time. Then I read for about 30 minutes.

If I don't get this time in the morning, the whole world knows about it.
I get grouchy
I get mean
My children run in terror
My HUSBAND runs in terror

When I DO get this time, I am much happier. I am more motivated, I'm in a better mood, 
I even hug my children more
My house is cleaner, and frankly, I smell better.

If you are not already getting time for you during the day, try it. Try getting up just a half hour earlier to pamper yourself just a bit. You will see how big a difference it can make!

If you would like to join in the fun and make YOUR home sing, link up to MOMSTHEWORD today!


momstheword said...

I didn't know you could do that, so thanks for the info on how to link a document!

Amen to spending time with the Lord each day, and also to making some time for yourself if you can get it.

Some people choose to sleep in instead of having that personal time in the morning. I used to get up before the kids so I could have my quiet time with the Lord and then exercise.

Thanks for linking up today!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is the best way to make your home sing. Spending time with the Lord really quiets the spirit.