Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Resentment . . .

One thing that I have realized about myself is my tendency to hold grudges and to be resentful to people.
I could list names, but as this is the internet, I don't want to air my "dirty laundry".
But I've also realized that these resentments are unhealthy for my relationships.

We become resentful for many reasons.
Perhaps our husbands have wronged us in some way.
Maybe we have a child with special needs.
Perhaps a psycho-ex that's hovering in your life for one reason or another.
Maybe we were abused by someone we cared about and trusted.

Whatever the reason for our resentment, it's important for us to learn to let it go.

The bible tells us in Hebrews 12:14-15:
"Follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord; looking diligently lest any man fall from the Grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby made defiled" (KJV)

Letting go of our bitterness and our resentments will bring us closer to God.
We cannot possibly fill ourselves with the beautiful light and love of God if we are filled with the ugly darkness of hatred.

This fact is something that I struggle with daily.

Jesus tells us that we we are wronged we should 
"turn the other cheek
(Matthew 5:39)
 and that we should forgive others 
"seventy times seven
times over 
(Matthew 18:22). 
And he also tells us to
 "love one another as I have loved you
(John 13:34).

It's hard to let go.
It's hard to forgive.
It's hard to forget.

But there is one thing to think about when we feel the ugly green bitterness rising up within us to consume our hearts:

Jesus loved us so much that he died for us.
God loves us so much that he will forgive ANY sin of us.
Now I know, we're not Christ. And we're not God. But it's good to remember these things as we struggle so that we can remember just how insignificant our "issues" are in the larger scheme of things. 

One day, not one iota of these problems will remain.
They won't matter. 
They won't even exist.

If God can forgive us our sins,
Shouldn't we take a moment to try to forgive others?


1 comment:

Shrinking Jeans said...

You are so right on this one! Forgiveness and letting go of resentment is SO HARD. But we really are so much better mentally and SPIRITUALLY when we can learn to let go... Great Post Jen!!