A couple weekends ago, my husband, my oldest son, and I went sailing on our Hobie 16 Catamaran. We had so much fun riding over the water, and didn't mind so much when we got stuck in the wind. Although I was not able to capture anything on the water (didn't want to ruin the camera, you know), I did catch the fun of setting up the boat, hoisting the sails, and launching. We had a blast that day!
Easy now . . .
Watch Out For that Tree!
Gotta Have Drinks
The Mast
The Lake is That-a-way
Lifting the Mast
Hoist that Sucker!
And I Hey-elped
Garrett pretending to be Captain Morgan. Still trying to decided weather or not to be disturbed . . .
The Mast is Up!
Hoisting The Jib
. . . And Now For the Main
Ready to Sail!
The Result of our Day at the lake - the SPF 50 spray-on sunblock I bought failed - MISERABLY
Ended up with a 3rd degree sunburn on my ankle there. YIKES!
It was WELL worth it!!